Payment agreements

Two persons shaking hands

You can establish a payment agreement yourself by either logging on or using the services on the opening page.
You must have received an invoice from us in order to use the services. You use the Customer ID (KID) number and the amount on the invoice.

Rules for establishing a payment agreement yourself on our website:

Payment by instalments?

Postponement of payment?

You can only divide up the amount if:
• We have only one outstanding claim against you
• You have not been in default of the claim you want to pay by instalments.
• No interest is charged on the claim.

What claims can I not pay by instalments?
 • The NRK licence fee
• Annual motor vehicle tax
• Student loans


You can only be granted postponement of payment if:
• We have only one outstanding claim against you
• You have not been in default of the claim you want to postpone payment of.

What claims can I not postpone?
• The NRK licence fee
• Annual motor vehicle tax
• Student loans
• Compensation in damages

When postponement of payment has been granted, we will send you a new invoice.

There may be other reasons why you cannot be granted payment by instalments or postponement of payment on our website.
In that case, you must contact us by calling (+47) 75 14 90 02.

Extension of temporary instalment arrangement

If you wish to continue the instalment arrangement, you must submit a documented application. The application must be received by us well before the due date of the most recent invoice in order to avoid the agreement being in default.

Paying from abroad?

If you want to make several payments, it may be cheaper to use our card payment service than your online banking service.

What happens if you do not pay as agreed?

If you do not comply with what we have agreed, the agreement will no longer apply. We can then add a reminder charge to each claim and collect the claims in full.
At worst, this could mean that the claim will be sent for legal enforcement.

How can you avoid your payment agreement being registered as being in default?

Pay the agreed amount by the deadline.
Many people believe that we send reminders automatically, but we do NOT send reminders for payment agreements.

You can request a reminder if your invoice is not paid in time by selecting due date notification (this service is only available in norwegian language. The reminder can only be sendt to a phone number registered in Norway).

Extra payments

You can pay more than the agreed monthly amount. That means that the payment period will be shorter, but you still have to pay as agreed, i.e. you cannot pay extra one month to avoid having to pay the next month.


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