Reduce deduction in salary

Do you want to apply for a reduced deduction from your salary (pay, benefits)?

1. Fill in the form
2. Enclose documentation (see the form for more information of what is required).
3. Send the form and documentation to us by post.


Calculation of deductions

An attachment of earnings (deduction from pay or benefits) is based on the information we have about your finances. What people need to live on, subsistence rates, are taken into account when deciding the size of deductions. It is possible, however, that we do not have all the information we need about your present situation and that the deduction should therefore be changed.

Our requirements of you

All the information you submit must be documented. We do not take undocumented information into account.

Your rights

You should have enough left to live on. This means that if our calculation shows that you will not have enough left to live on (subsistence), we will not make deductions.

What happends once I`ve submitted the application form?

We deal with the application within three weeks of receiving it. If we change or stop the deduction, information about this will be sent to the party that is obliged to make the deduction (the employer or the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, NAV). Do not send sensitive or confidential information by email.