About us

The Norwegian National Collection Agency's task is to collect debt and manage accounting for our clients as for instance The State Educational Loan Fund in Norway, Norwegian Broadcasting Company (NRK) and the Police.

Our duties

The Norwegian National Collection Agency (NCA) is a subordinate agency organised under the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten). The NCA's task is to collect on various state claims. In total, the NCA has 35 clients in the government administration and we collect on 188 different types of claims.

How the collection takes place is regulated in several different acts, regulations and instructions.

In appeal cases, Rana District Court is the superior authority.

Collecting on claims abroad

If you have outstanding claims, we can collect the amount even if you live abroad.

How do we collect claims abroad?

  • The Nordic countries cooperate on the collection of fines and legal costs. We can ask the authorities in another Nordic country to collect the money from you.
  • We also use Visma Collectors AS as our debt collection agency abroad. Visma Collectors AS's partners in different countries are responsible for collection in such cases. Once we transfer a claim to Visma Collectors AS, extra costs will be incurred that you will have to pay. You must therefore address any enquiries you may have about the collection to the debt-collection agency that has taken over responsibility for collecting on the claim.

We do not write off claims that have been transferred abroad.

In order to prevent the claim from becoming higher than necessary, we recommend that you contact us before legal enforcement of the claim is initiated and it is sent to the debt collection agency.

Collection of foreign claims in Norway

We collect fines and legal costs from other Nordic countries. The collection takes place pursuant to Norwegian regulations. If we are unable to collect all the money, we send the case back to the Nordic country that established the claim in good time before it is time-barred.


The Norwegian National Collection Agency (NCA) was established in Mo i Rana in 1990 as an agency under the Ministry of Justice and the Police. It had a staff of 65 in its first year. In 1990, the NCA collected NOK 355 million, and its main task was to collect on penalty charges such as fines. In 2001, the NCA was transferred from the Ministry of Justice and the Police to the Ministry of Finance.
In 2015 NCA was transferred to the Noregian Tax Administration.

NCA has 370 employees. The annual amount collected is approaching NOK 4 billion.

Since the NCA started up, the number of its clients in the state sector and the number of different types of claims to be collected have steadily increased. Its biggest clients are the police, NRK's Licensing Department, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund and Norwegian Customs and Excise.

In addition to being a government collection agency, the NCA is also operator for a joint case processing system for the NCA, the execution and enforcement commissioners and the conciliation boards in Norway. NCA is also operator for the police's financial management systems and the Execution and Attachments Database. All the systems have been developed by the NCA.




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