Et formuesgode kan være fast eiendom (som for eksempel huset, hytte, tomt m.m.), bankkonti, verdipapir, bil, båt eller annet verdifullt løsøre som kan omgjøres til penger ved utleie, salg m.m.
Vanlige klær, hjelpemidler som skyldner trenger i sitt yrke eller utdanning og ting som har særlig personlig verdi for skyldner, kan likevel ikke tas utlegg i.
We receive information about the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings from the publication Norsk lysningsblad.
The claims we are authorised to process are filed with the estate in bankruptcy. Other claims are forwarded to our clients.
Bankruptcy – penalties for late submission of accounts
Once a firm is declared bankrupt, we collect any late submission penalties from parties that are jointly and severally liable.
Has your employer been declared bankrupt?
If deductions are made from your pay and your employer is declared bankrupt without having transferred the money to us, you must send us a copy of your payslips showing the amounts that have been deducted.
We will reduce the claim against you by an amount corresponding to the amount that your employer should have paid to us.