Et formuesgode kan være fast eiendom (som for eksempel huset, hytte, tomt m.m.), bankkonti, verdipapir, bil, båt eller annet verdifullt løsøre som kan omgjøres til penger ved utleie, salg m.m.
Vanlige klær, hjelpemidler som skyldner trenger i sitt yrke eller utdanning og ting som har særlig personlig verdi for skyldner, kan likevel ikke tas utlegg i.
Joint and several liability
Joint and several liability means that several persons are responsible for paying the same claim.
They are all liable for the whole claim until it has been paid.
For some claims, there is one main debtor and one or more debtors with joint and several liability. If the main debtor does not pay the claim or if he or she is declared bankrupt, we start collecting on the claim from the debtors with joint and several liability. In such cases, we start collecting the claim at the same time from all the persons involved.
Has the company been deleted or been declared bankrupt?
Unpaid claims do not disappear even if a company is declared bankrupt or is deleted from the register.
If you are jointly and severally liable (i.e. if you were a board member or deputy board member of the company), you will still be liable for any unpaid claims.
The collection of claims will therefore continue even if the company is declared bankrupt or is deleted.