Payment - information

Stacks of money

Remember to include an additional reference so that we can identify your payment!

Please include the KID number from the bill you have been sent when paying. This is to make sure that the payment is registered to you.

  • KID numbers always have 15 or 23 digits.
  • If the last character in the KID number is a minus sign ('-'), you must include it
  • This is how you make an e-Invoice

Are you about to pay the entire claim - but you dont have the KID number?

If you log in to "Din side" and click on "Kravoversikt",you will find the KID number to use for the payment of this claim.

If you cannot log in, you may also use "vår referanse" (our reference) from the letter or "kravnummer" (claim number) as payment information.

Do you have a payment agreement with us of monthly payments - but you dont have a KID number?

Log in to "Din side" and click on "Betalingsavtaler".
Then click on "Se betalingsplan" on the instalment plan that you need a KID number for.
Next click "Se betalingsinformasjon" - you will then find the right KID number .

Important: You may only use a KID number that belongs to the payment agreement to pay a monthly payment. If you pay with the KID number of the original claim, this will not be connected to the payment agreement that you have - the claim will then go into legal enforcement. 

Please contact us to get the KID number for the payment agreement if you are not able to log in.


Account number: 7694 05 12057
IBAN: NO98 76940512 057

Paying from abroad?

Using our 'Pay by card'-service may be cheaper for you than your online banking service.

PB 1600 Sentrum
NO-0021 OSLO

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