Traffic and motor vehicles

A man putting on seatbelt in a car

The size of fines and penalty point endorsements

The size of fines for violation of the road traffic laws are decided by the Council of State.

You will find an overview of penalty point endorsements on the Ministry of Transport and Communications' website.

Annual motor vehicle tax (road tax)

It is the person registered as the owner of the vehicle on 1 January who will receive the annual motor vehicle tax demand. The deadline for payment is 21 March. In some cases, other deadlines for payment may apply. You can read more about this tax at the page "New in Norway".

You will find the rates for the annual motor vehicle tax on Norwegian Customs and Excise's website (the rates are listed under "Satsene er i hovedtrekk:" in the linked page, and are according to the weight of the vehicle).

If you do not pay the annual motor vehicle tax by the deadline, the claim is sent to us for legal enforcement.


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