Et formuesgode kan være fast eiendom (som for eksempel huset, hytte, tomt m.m.), bankkonti, verdipapir, bil, båt eller annet verdifullt løsøre som kan omgjøres til penger ved utleie, salg m.m.
Vanlige klær, hjelpemidler som skyldner trenger i sitt yrke eller utdanning og ting som har særlig personlig verdi for skyldner, kan likevel ikke tas utlegg i.
Attachment liens
If any claims against you are sent for legal enforcement, we can establish an attachment lien on your assets (property).
This gives us a charge that we can use to cover unpaid claims.
Before an attachment lien is established
To establish an attachment, we have to hold attachment proceedings. You will always be notified before attachment proceedings are held.
What counts as assets?
An asset can be real property (a house, cabin, plot of land etc.), bank accounts, securities, a car, boat or other valuable moveable property. The main rule is that an attachment lien can be established on any asset that belongs to the debtor at the time the attachment is established.
However, an attachment cannot be established on ordinary clothes and aids that the debtor needs in his/her profession or in connection with education, or on things of particular personal value to the debtor.
Realisation of an attachment lien (enforced sale)
When we have established an attachment lien on an asset, we can use this charge as the basis for an enforced sale in order to cover your outstanding claims. Once the sale of the asset has been concluded, the attachment is cancelled.
Consequences of an attachment lien for a cohabitant/spouse?
In principle, you as a debtor are responsible for your own debt. The National Collection Agency (NSA) cannot establish an attachment on the part of a property that belongs to your cohabitant/spouse, only the part owned by you as debtor.
An attachment lien will have consequences for your cohabitant's or spouse's possibility of raising a loan on joint property if an attachment lien has been established on part of the property.
How to cancel an attachment lien
In order to cancel an attachment lien, you must pay the claims that form the basis for the attachment lien.
Appealing against an attachment lien
You can appeal against an attachment lien until we have requested the enforced sale of the asset in question.