Privacy statement - Norwegian National Collection Agency

Personal data

NCA processes personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act. Among other things, processing involves the collection, passing-on and storage of information. The purpose of the processing is to collect money claims in accordance with applicable regulations.

Pursuant to Section 1-3 of the Personal Data Regulations, the Personal Data Act does not apply to cases that are processed or decided pursuant to the acts relating to the administration of justice (the Courts of Justice Act, the Criminal Procedure Act, the Dispute Act, the Enforcement of Claims Act etc.). However, NCA generally complies with the Data Protection Agency's security requirements for processing of sensitive personal data. The organisation has been set up and procedures prepared to secure our data in accordance with these requirements. All NCA employees have signed a declaration of secrecy, and any breach of the duty of secrecy is a criminal offence.

So that claims can be collected as efficiently as possible, NCA has access to public administrative registers. The protection of privacy and data security are therefore important in all of NCA's case processing, so that people can rest assured that personal data will not fall into the wrong hands.

On request, you are entitled to access the information we have registered about you. If the information is inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant, you are entitled to request that the information be changed or deleted. In such cases we will do everything within reason to meet your request as soon as possible.

We delete audio recorded phone calls automatically after 60 days. We emphasize that we never record phone calls without asking for approval. The caller can accept or decline audio recording by typing in the correct choice during our automated telephone service.

The Director General of NCA is responsible for the processing of personal data registered in our various registers.

Linking of data and identification

Register information at NCA is used and linked so that persons and enterprises do not have to be contacted several times to answer the same questions.

Secondary use and passing on of information

NCA has access to most public registers and is thus a secondary user of the information contained there. That information, as well as information about debtors' income and capital and any attachments made, is also used by other public collection agencies in Norway. The information is primarily used by the execution and enforcement authority (execution and enforcement commissioners), but also by the Norwegian Tax Administration, tax collectors and the Norwegian Labour and welfare Service's (NAV) Collections Centre.

Anyone can require access to the information that NCA has stored about a person and that is also available to other execution and enforcement authorities.

Passwords and sensitive information – your responsibility

All passwords must be learned by heart and must never be disclosed to the police, bank or other public authorities. You should change your passwords regularly. Do not send sensitive or confidential information by email.


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