Et formuesgode kan være fast eiendom (som for eksempel huset, hytte, tomt m.m.), bankkonti, verdipapir, bil, båt eller annet verdifullt løsøre som kan omgjøres til penger ved utleie, salg m.m.
Vanlige klær, hjelpemidler som skyldner trenger i sitt yrke eller utdanning og ting som har særlig personlig verdi for skyldner, kan likevel ikke tas utlegg i.
Tilbake til forsiden
Statens innkrevingssentral - det finnes alltid en løsning
Motor vehicle tax
Have you sold or scrapped your car? If you were registered as the owner after 1 January, the annual motor vehicle tax is still your responsibility.
Avoid too much being deducted from your pay
It is important that you ensure that the deduction from your pay is correct before the deductions begin. This is what you do: Once you receive a notice of attachment proceedings, you can still pay what you owe by paying the entire amount. If you cannot pay the amount in full, attachment proceedings will be initiated.
Part payment on fines?
Wait until you receive a new invoice in a letter from us. It will have the correct Customer ID (KID) for you to use in the self service option.
Paying from abroad?
If you want to make several payments, it may be cheaper to use our card payment service than your online banking service.